In our house, we are constantly fighting MRSA! About a year and two months ago, Luke had to spend several nights in hospital fighting this terrible infection. His best buddy Landon has had it several times but has been Staph free since may!!! Praise God for that. My niece, Maci has started getting Staph frequently too. We normally just start putting bactriban on any spot that appears and for the most part, we have been pretty lucky. This past week Luke had a spot on him and I started treating it as soon as I noticed it. By yesterday morning, he had another spot on his knee and one on his face in addition to the other one on the back of his leg. I decided that we were going to have to get an antibiotic in order to beat this round. I hate putting him on antibiotics because I don't won't his body to become used to them an then not work if we get into something serious. Well anyhow, it was out only option this time. So after I got one dose of meds in him, we headed home to eat lunch, then nap. After he woke up from nap, I looked at his knee and it really frightened me. His entire knee cap was swollen. I became very nervous and we began preparing Luke to go to the ER. Of course he remembers or last visit to te hospital so this did not go over so well. All he could say is that he did not want to get poked again. Last time, they had to try several times to get his IV going and he also had all his spots cut open without and pain meds. He is a tough boy but that was a lot of pain to put a kiddo through. Anyhow, we went and at first the nurse ticked me off because she gave me the whole, "the meds take some time to work" speech. I wanted to say, " you have to be kidding me.". This isn't my first rodeo and I am not an idiot! I know meds take a while to work but I also know that my kids knee cap was extremely swollen and that the infection was moving through it. Finally we saw the doc and he tried to make us feel better about the situation saying, " I see Staph everywhere these days.". He also told us that we needed to double the amount of antibiotics.
I am glad to report the kiddo is doing much better.
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