Living 2015 in a Positive and Encouraging Manner; Glorifying God

Living 2015 in a Positive and Encouraging Manner; Glorifying God

Monday, June 20, 2011

God's Amazing Power

Evan is doing so much better!! When we came to children's, he was on 30% vapor oxygen at a 4 liter flow. Now they have him on regular oxygen (21%) and they are trying him at 1 liter flow. The feeding tube is out and his color is better too. We are getting to hold him now and our joy is beyond words. The power of prayer has been so apparent the last few days. Thank you everyone for your continued prayers, hopefully we'll be home in a few days.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy and thankful to hear that he is doing better! I hope you all are able to go home soon.
