Living 2015 in a Positive and Encouraging Manner; Glorifying God

Living 2015 in a Positive and Encouraging Manner; Glorifying God

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My little worker

Luke is 3 years old and loves life. He is kind of wild and rarely slows down for anything. Luke is 36 1/2 inches tall and weighs 30.5 pounds. You sure are growing and becoming a handsome young boy. You favorite thing to do is to work. Wednesday night on the way to church, we talked about what you wanted to be when you grow up. I told you that you could be anything you wanted to be: a lawyer, a doctor, a policeman, a firefighter, a teacher, or anything!! Your response was well thought out. You say, "um, I am going to be a farmer man or a house tear downer or a house builder upper." For some reason, I believe that you will be all of those things.

Sometimes, I let Luke play in the garage until Daddy gets home. He came in the house at one point and grabbed the tape (hid it thinking I would not see). When I finally went out to check on him, the above picture is what I found. I asked him what he was doing and his response was, "I am working, Mom." So I snapped a few more pics and left him to his work.

Look how strong my working boy is. He lifted all the wood for this project on his own.

And this is the final masterpiece. I love this kid so much and as I write this post about how much you enjoy working, you are outside helping your father build a flower bed and clean up the yard. Occasionally, you will take a break and ride around the yard on your four-wheeler but for the most part, you just work.

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